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Restaurant Reservation Ruckus: Inside the Controversial World of Appointment Trader

Mar 12, 2024

In the realm of fine dining, a shadowy online marketplace has emerged, promising prime reservations at top-tier restaurants for exorbitant prices.

Dubbed Appointment Trader, this platform has sparked outrage among restaurateurs and industry insiders alike, as it capitalizes on the scarcity of coveted dining experiences while leaving eateries in the lurch.

Led by entrepreneur Jonas Frey, Appointment Trader has raked in $1.2 million in reservation sales over the past year, much to the dismay of restaurant owners struggling to combat the scourge of no-shows.

This black market for dining reservations not only undermines the integrity of the dining experience but also poses significant financial challenges for establishments already grappling with the aftermath of the pandemic.

Traditional reservation platforms like Resy, Tock and OpenTable are up in arms over Appointment Trader's brazen exploitation of the dining industry, with legal battles looming on the horizon. From cease and desist letters to legal threats, restaurant owners are fighting tooth and nail to curb the proliferation of this nefarious marketplace, which siphons revenue and distorts the delicate balance of supply and demand in the culinary world.

Amidst the controversy, Frey defends Appointment Trader as a boon for diners, conveniently overlooking the detrimental impact on restaurant operations. As the battle rages on, the future of dining reservations hangs in the balance, with the fate of restaurants and the integrity of the dining experience at stake.

Protecting Your Restaurant: What to Do If You’re Listed on Appointment Trader

If a restaurant discovers that they are listed on Appointment Trader without their consent, it's crucial for them to take immediate action to protect their brand and reputation.

Here are steps they can take:

  1. Verify the Listing: The restaurant should first verify the accuracy of the listing on Appointment Trader to ensure it is indeed their establishment being advertised for reservation sales.
  2. Cease and Desist Letter: The restaurant should send a formal cease and desist letter to Appointment Trader, demanding the immediate removal of their listing from the platform. This letter should clearly state that the restaurant has not authorized the resale of its reservations and demands that all listings be taken down promptly.
  3. Legal Action: If Appointment Trader fails to comply with the cease and desist letter or if the restaurant believes their rights have been infringed upon, they may consider taking legal action against Appointment Trader. This could involve pursuing a lawsuit for unauthorized use of the restaurant's name and branding.
  4. Communication with Customers: The restaurant should also communicate with its customers to inform them that reservations should only be made directly through the official channels, such as the restaurant's website or official reservation platforms like Resy, Tock or OpenTable. This helps prevent confusion and ensures that customers are not misled by unauthorized third-party platforms.
  5. Monitoring and Vigilance: Finally, the restaurant should regularly monitor online platforms and marketplaces to ensure that their listings are not being exploited without authorization. Vigilance is key to promptly addressing any unauthorized use of the restaurant's name and reservations.

By taking these proactive steps, restaurants can assert control over their reservations and protect their business interests from unauthorized third-party platforms like Appointment Trader.

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