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Empowering Advocacy: Highlights from LRA Day at the Capitol

Apr 10, 2024

Seventy members of the Louisiana Restaurant Association (LRA) convened at the Capitol for a pivotal event known as LRA Day. This gathering provided a platform for industry leaders to address pressing issues facing the restaurant sector. Among the distinguished speakers were LRA President and CEO Stan Harris, Louisiana Commissioner of Insurance Tim Temple, and Senate President Cameron Henry, each delivering valuable insights into the legislative landscape shaping the industry's future.

Harris took the stage to deliver a keynote address that shed light on various challenges confronting restaurants across the state. He highlighted recent legislative victories and ongoing battles against detrimental bills, emphasizing the importance of thwarting measures that could hinder restaurant operations. Particularly noteworthy were discussions surrounding credit card service charges and cash payment mandates, which could significantly impact the industry's bottom line.

In addition to legislative concerns, Harris addressed the complexities of setting a statewide minimum wage, drawing parallels to experiences in California. He underscored the LRA's unwavering support for the domestic seafood harvesting industry while navigating potential cost increases for imported seafood wholesalers. Moreover, Harris outlined insurance hurdles faced by restaurateurs, from workers' compensation issues to soaring commercial property insurance costs.

Temple's presence added depth to the discussion, offering insights into insurance reforms and the Louisiana Citizens program's impact on homeowners. His remarks provided clarity on the steps being taken to address the crisis in property insurance and build a more vibrant and cost-effective future market.

Senate President Henry rounded off the proceedings, urging LRA members to engage directly with lawmakers to ensure their voices resonate in legislative chambers. He emphasized the importance of advocacy and collaboration in navigating the fast-paced legislative agenda.

Following Senate President Henry's inspiring discourse, LRA members were invited to visit the Capitol themselves, where they had the opportunity to speak directly with state representatives and senators about their specific concerns. This hands-on engagement underscored the importance of grassroots advocacy and the impact of direct communication with policymakers.

During the Capitol visit, Istrouma and Tara High School ProStart students provided cuisine samples. Their participation illustrated the industry's commitment to attracting and preparing the next generation of leaders.

In a touching moment, Istrouma High ProStart Educator Patricia Cooke was honored as the LRAEF Educator of Excellence for 2024. Representative Ed Larvadain, a high school classmate of Cooke's, presented her with a legislative proclamation in the House of Representatives, recognizing her outstanding contributions to education and the culinary arts.

The event culminated in a reception at the LRA House, where participants had the opportunity to mingle and reflect on the day's discussions. Cuisine was provided by Drago’s Seafood Restaurant and City Pork in Baton Rouge.

As attendees departed, they carried with them a renewed sense of purpose, fueled by a shared commitment to championing Louisiana's vibrant restaurant industry. The success of LRA Day underscored the collective dedication of industry stakeholders to advocate for positive change and navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

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