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Controversial Joint Employer Rule Struck Down Just Before Taking Effect

Aug 13, 2024

By Fisher Phillips, Authors Steve Bernstein, Josh Nadreau and John Polson

In an 11th-hour decision, a federal court judge in Texas just struck down the Labor Board’s controversial joint employer rule right before it was set to take effect on Monday. The NLRB had aimed to make it far easier for workers to be considered employees of more than one entity for labor relations purposes – a move that would have resulted in increased union organizing and collective bargaining efforts across the country – but Friday’s decision halted it in its tracks.

The fight will continue, however, as there is little doubt the agency will appeal the decision in hopes of resurrecting the rule in the near future – and a whole separate court battle over the same issue takes place in D.C. While employers will once again be left to navigate an uncertain future while the court battles wage, we have a blueprint to guide you through the tumultuous times ahead.

Read more here.

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